for me

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Life can be so unpredictable... It can be taken away any time any where....

Look around you, aint you very priviledge? My cell leader was telling me of how a 13 yr old boy asked him to pray so that he can see his mom. Asking myself honestly, I pray for nothing like that. I see my mom everyday sometime even get sick of her. But what if one day.. she goes off without prior notice?

If I could turn back time.. like Lang mentioned, It would be good.. But where exactly will I turn back to? Will it even make a difference? For example if I turn back to sec 2 end of year and change my subject combination. Werent I still dislike certain people in the class? I mean different course of action will determine the consequences but there's never a fixed consequence and it will always change..

Treasure what u have..

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Finally.. I had a break from the hustle of school life.. Finally.. I had a day where I dont need to stay back. Finally.... I had a proper lunch with my good friends......

So.. Chat with Mel that day.. it seems so fun to be in NJC.. but i am contented to be in RI.. No complains..

Hoping this day would help cope better with tomorrow..

Got Jeffery Lee for teacher mentor .. hope his good enough to take on the WINNING GROup...

Cello cello cello... I am screwed.. i never go for so long. teacher is gonna kill me.. pray that he wouldnt

Monday, January 24, 2005

Life is so indecisive... One minute it's so boring... things just go so slowly... the next minute you are barely able to keep up..

Was just thinking to myself.... Once you done some hurt to one person and you ask them whether they forgive you or rather did it matter to them.. People most of the time would say.. it doesnt matter, or maybe.. I forget about it liaoz..

But strangely, it works rather like girls? When they say they dont want.. they actually want it.
So people do actually remember it.. like myself. When people disturb me. I say I dont mind, but in fact, it's like just slowly been accumalated in me.. Slowly Slowly.. I am not sure when I will not be able to take it anymore.. but let's hope it will never come.

Then.. Why dont we try to stop insults people? It's very lame to say something bad about someone and say jkjking only.. I myself am guilty of it. I am trying to stop it.. People do remember all this minor things, will we ever be able to remove emotional scars? Is it true that they last forever?

I hope not and I rather not. I pray.. it will not.

Now, I am desperately running a race I know I can never complete.. Maybe through sheer determination.... sheer grit....... and of course support from people that I can complete it.

Renewed everyday? I would want to.

So yesterday went to do cip. Learned alot. Apparently.. foriegn workers donate more than Singaporeans? Why? It puzzled me for such a long time. Until it dawned on me while talking to Lang, Singaporean are just not appreciative. Those domestic workers come from humble background, we singaporean on the whole are quite well to do. I guess we never can feel how it is to be poor and suffer.

The same could apply to many other situation... For example buying of branded stuff.. I myself is definitely one of them, it just seems so normal for parents to get for their kids what they want. but.. stop stop.. think. Is that luxary item that necessary, is it a must for them to get it for you? Isnt't their job just to provide for ur necessity and.. emotional support.. Will that item really help you bond closer with ur parents... ....

Went to church that day, it was quite a meaningful message. Talking about God renewing your life everyday.. Imaging everyday you wake up, with new hope, forgiven of all ur misdoing, misdoing all forgotten, shame hurt all healed? New challenges? Isn't it all so good? so wonderful? so SHIOK??

So.. to start off.. Remove all ur hatred and anger before u sleep.. wake to a brand new start..

Touch me with your healing hands. Release me from my past. Wash me from within........

Friday, January 21, 2005

Hold me tight.. never let me go.

hjk I have been procastinating so much.. I wanna kill myself. At least, I got the SIG outing done. It was such a great sense of achievement, I mean with Mr Fong commenting good job and how Jing Ping and Joshua and Guo Nian had so much fun. I feel just so great. And OMG.. we are going to get a new fish tank from a border. COOL MAN! It's so good.. Next, we got to plan for the track and field liaoz.

Never let me sweep away.......

Thursday, January 20, 2005

A bunch of feeling we have... Should we care?

Busy busy busy.. so busy.. I keep forgetting about trivial important stuff.... Or rather things that are important that I disregard.. Is that good? Obviously not. Need to use my memo note book more. Feelings, what are they. Should we even care about them? I feel that I get so comfortable with my friends, I neglect them.

Still havent learn my lesson at obs. Felt so lonely without them, but now, everyday can see them, I neglect them.. What is this.... Why am I so inappreaciative.. always wanting things my way in a friendship. All take, No giving.

So.. I am self conscious, actually too much. Why do I give a damn about what others think about me. From a strength to improve myself, it become a weakness that grind me down.


What's the point of it all....

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Jerome going back to Hong Kong? ZZZ.. will miss him i guess, even if we are not close friends. After all 2 yrs of classmates means nothing? He is unique i guess, or rather everyone is. So i will miss him for what others cannot replace.

Jerome.. u are different. u are a fish!!! Jokes aside. let's see.. you are very interesting, your accent, your style of eating and even how u sweat so much everywhere u go!!! Ok.. you mug and very hardworking.. so i guess i will miss you.. Sorry for teasing you so much!!

Monday, January 17, 2005

Excited.. Maybe too excited

Never take more than one can handle. That definitely apply to me. Why? In sec 2, I pretty much the slacker, who pons training and everything, but to the end of sec 2, I started volunteering for more stuff in my cca, and it's like..i feel ah.. finally something to do during the hols, so this went on for a pretty long time until today. Since the start of school, I started back almost everyday at 8, reason.. so many commitment.. =( too much i guess..

Time to cut down kiddo..

Friday, January 14, 2005

Come on little kiddie....

So bored today.. wake up... makan.. then slack slack slack.. Do i sense a tint of jealousy from myself? Apparently.. the geps had a much better experience at obs, due to their attitude and good weather and of course smaller group size. Realised GEPS aint as bad as i thought.. Ali.. Jasper.. Streft.. Mervyn.. Bing Wen.. All so damn corny,then with me.. haha the whole place so 'high' .. and of course they like the same thing as express do.. PEEING IN THE SEA!!! with the whole sensation at ur ahem area. Ali wants to be House Captain.. By all means go ahead.. i be advisor ok liaoz..

Commitments.. and other stuffs.. I just realised a major flaw in me. Halfway halfway one... not focus.. what can i do?? i so joker.. nvm loh.. have to push myself harder next time?? if not earlier effort all waste..
